EnviroStraw’s innovative use of biodegradable and compostable materials, such as wheat straw, serve as sustainable alternatives to traditional wood-based solutions.
Our Australian-made revegetation products are native plant-friendly, reduce carbon emissions, non-leaching` and lower water consumption on sites. Read on to find out more about the role of environmentally responsible inputs and how EnviroStraw’s products are supporting a circular economy.
The benefits of using environmentally responsible inputs on your site
Environmentally responsible inputs are products that won’t harm our environment. They don’t leach into the environment, and if they do end up in our waterways they won’t harm the fish or other wildlife and native vegetation in the area. EnviroBond, our range of Hydromulch binders, Fertiliser, BFM, BFM Complete and EnviroMatrix are all considered environmentally responsible inputs, and EnviroStraw’s use of recycled products is another way we’re actively caring for our environment.
When a contractor or client is using non-environmentally responsible inputs, it usually comes down to a lack of market education rather than willful harm. Being environmentally conscious is talked about a lot in our society, but it’s not always actioned – often because contractors aren’t doing careful research on the products being used.
Rather than influencing the project outcome, selecting environmentally responsible options is about reducing the impact on the environment, including volitisation leaching, soil contamination and waterway contamination. Choosing an environmentally responsible option also supports carbon sequestration, thus reducing the carbon emissions and overall carbon footprint of the project.
EnviroStraw’s products support a circular economy
By using recycled materials, EnviroStraw’s products support a circular economy – straw is used instead of being burnt in paddocks, and paper is recycled. Additionally, man-made inputs such as fertiliser and polymers – found in our products – have independent evidence supporting their safety regarding the environment.
Choose EnviroStraw for environmentally responsible inputs on your site
Our sustainable revegetation program is environmentally friendly and reduces carbon emissions on your site. To find out how this could benefit you, get in contact with our team of soil scientists today on 1300 868 669.