Soil science blog

More growth, less input: all about our Hydraulic Growth Media

From the global leaders in microbial revegetation, EnviroStraw’s hydro-seeding mulch Hydraulic Growth Media (HGM) is an innovative hydromulch manufactured right here in Australia. Made from 100% biodegradable renewable resources, it’s primed to help restore the soil on your site to its natural state. 

Microbial matters: how HGM can work for you

EnviroStraw HGM is designed to rebuild disturbed soils on commercial sites from the ground up. With capacity for up to 50% more mulch per tank load and 50% greater area coverage, HGM significantly increases overall onsite productivity, resulting in less time spent filling tanks, fewer CO2 emissions on-site, significant cost reductions and great improvements in environmental compliance. 

HGM also boasts improved water use efficiency (WUE), reducing the amount of water required during the application process and the watering program, and ultimately ensuring more cost-effective outcomes.

HGM is formulated from thermally processed, annually renewable, 100% biodegradable, pathogen- and weed-free fibres along with bio-stimulants and a unique blend of 22 species of bacteria and fungi that release the nutrient content in the soil. This then initiates key natural processes within their ecosystem which greatly improve overall soil health.


  • Cover a greater area in less time 
  • Significantly decrease water usage 
  • Save time and reduce site visits 
  • Balance and enhance soil and plant health
  • Combat nitrogen drawdown
  • Establish native plant species faster 
  • Keep weeds and pathogens at bay
  • Move on to your next job faster

Does the soil on your site need reinvigoration? Contact our soil science experts today for more information.

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