Industry-leading products for commercial sites

EnviroMatrix ECM
EnviroMatrix ECM Biotic Growth Media + Erosion Control Matrix. An advanced Hydraulically applied biotic growth media designed for extreme conditions and slope degrees.

Hydromulch HGM
Not just a Hydromulch but a high quality Hydraulic Growth media which includes our purpose designed suite of beneficial bacteria and Fungi to enhance soil health.

Bonded Fibre Matrix BFM
BFM (Bonded Fibre Matrix) + HGM (Hydraulic Growth Media). The same great product as HGM with added binders providing up to 6 months stability.

Bonded Fibre Matrix BFM Complete
A next generation hydromulch that’s a hydraulic growth media, bonded fibre matrix and biotic growth amendment all in one – Just add seed and spray.

A superior soil stabiliser, mulch binder and dust suppressant used for erosion control with or without seed.

EnviroBond - Green
Same product as EnviroBond with a long term Green dye added.

EnviroBond - Grow
Same product as EnviroBond Green with an added Triple action Fertiliser.

A powdered water-soluble anionic polyacyrlamide used as a temporary hydromulch binder. Provides up to 2 months efficacy.

HydroGrip Plus
A hydrocolloid binder designed to hold hydromulch in place providing erosion control for longer.

A liquid polymer designed to stabilise soil and dust in non trafficked areas providing up to 3 months efficacy.

Calcium Plus
Calcium Plus is a simple way of delivering improved results to the revegetation industry.

EnviroBio Fertiliser
A new innovation to the Erosion control industry EnviroBio fertiliser has been designed from the ground up to deal with the challenges of establishing plants on low nutrient low carbon soils on construction sites.

Carbon Plus
Another world first are you ready to restore the ecological balance in your soil? And build carbon fast, Carbon Plus is the one for you.

Soil Wet
The perfect capillary soil wetter for hydromulching and revegetation projects, Soil Wet encourages water penetration into the soil assisting with root development and improved water holding capacity of the soil its applied to.

GeoSpray Original
Spray-on Erosion Control. Unlike other erosion-control solutions, GeoSpray is applied in minutes – not hours. It dries quickly and can withstand moderate rain events in as little as 4 hours after application.

GeoSpray Extreme
GeoSpray Extreme does not allow for water penetration, making it ideal for highly dispersive soils, extreme weather events, extreme slopes, clean water drains and for use as a sediment dam liner.
The EnviroStraw difference
Industry-leading products that grow grass and native plants, use less water, and are
environmentally sustainable and responsible.
Prioritising water-use efficiency in everything we do
Water-use efficiency has always been a key consideration when designing and developing the EnviroStraw range of
products, and we’ve made it easy for you to see how much water you could save.
Litres required on a 10 hectare project by product

Imported American
wood fibre
Sugar cane
manufactured wood fibre
Working closely with specifiers
At EnviroStraw, we frequently work with landscape architects, landscape engineers, ecologists,
environmental consultants and other professionals in the commercial landscaping and
environmental sector, educating and advising on our products and programs, as well as the
method of delivering the very best outcomes. If you’d like to know more about BioGrowth™, any of
our award-winning products or the soil science that we stand by, get in touch.
Our Biogrowth™ Program
A world-first technology
As a uniquely effective, outcome-driven alternative to standard revegetation
offerings, BioGrowth™ is tailored to individual ecology and constraints, and helps
mitigate common revegetation risks.
Created as a multi-faceted program, BioGrowth™ includes innovative products
that can also be used independently from the program.
A cost-effective solution that methodically revegetates and stabilises extremely
disturbed soil sites, BioGrowth™ harnesses natural biological activity and
increased soil fertility to ward-off erosion and improve soil health.
A Company like No Other
EnviroStraw was founded by a team of people that were passionate about erosion
control and revegetation that were determined to change the industry by targeting
products and services that were easy to use and provided the desired project
Our award-winning range of revegetation and erosion-control solutions was designed
and created right here in Australia, especially for our country’s unique conditions.
Proven time and time again, our products have gone on to win international awards
and consistently out-perform other products in the global market.
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Featured video
Commercial Hydromulch | EnviroMatrix ECM steep slope application.
EnviroStraw’s EnviroMatrix Erosion Control Matrix (ECM) with EnviroBond long-term storm guard polymer being applied to a steep batter. Sub soil, no topsoil included.